Between the system and the world of life: a discussion on the perception of Professional Education teachers in the curricular implementation of “Novotec Integrado”
Curriculum, Habermas, Professional Education, Mathematical EducationAbstract
From the decree nº 5.154, of July 23, 2004, which allowed the return of Integrated High School to Técnico until the law nº 13.415, of February 16, 2017, which allowed new curricular arrangements in an integrated way between High School and Technical, we are experiencing changes in the Professional High School of the Technical Schools in the network of the Centro Paula Souza of the government of the State of São Paulo. And, in this scenario, that I do the master's research clipping analyzed the rationality underlying the implementation of Novotec Integrado, focusing on the relationships established with mathematics in the curriculum, the discourse expressed in the official documents of the Centro Paula Souza and the discussions promoted in a group of teachers who work in the implemented courses, according to the Habermasian assumptions of the Communicative Act, System and World of Life. The research is carried out at a Escola Técnica Estadual (Etec) that implemented, in 2020, Novotec Integrado in two distinct courses: High School with the qualification of Technician in Administration and High School with the qualification of Marketing Technician, organized according to the new Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). In methodological terms, a survey was carried out of the legislation that makes possible the creation of the new Novotec Integrado curriculum, in which the description of some documents that guide this curricular implementation at Etec is carried out, as well as the constitution of a discussion group with the participation of five teachers. To this end, two meetings were held through the Microsoft Teams platform with the recording of the discussions, which were divided into five episodes in the context of the curriculum implementation of Novotec Integrado. Then, monodes were created, which correspond to fragments of the discussions between the participants, inspired by Walter Benjamin, through which it is proposed to constitute parts of the whole discussion group. The documents and the monodas were analyzed following the assumptions of Habermasian concepts of critical theory. As a result of the research, we have that the documents of the curricular implementation proposal and the interactions of the teachers show that the implementation of the Novotec Integrado was guided by instrumental rationality, oriented in a similar way and without spaces for the school teachers to participate in the elaboration of the proposal. However, the discussions showed that it is possible, even in an environment dominated by the systemic world, for teachers to show their ability to develop criticism.
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