Decanting “multiplications for teaching” according to analyses in teacher’s books




Mathematics for teaching, History of Mathematics Education, Professional Knowledge, Objectified Knowledge, Primary School


Which elements characterize a "multiplication for teaching", when analyzing teacher’s Arithmetic books, at the beginning of the 20th century? This question guides this text, based on recently finalized doctoral research. The text had the collaboration of theoretical-methodological references used in this text place knowledge at the top of the studies on the constitution of professional teaching and that consider them as social, historical and cultural construction. In this way, the transformation of knowledge occurs in stages, according to theoretical and methodological references of this research. That is, from the observation and description of the informations presents in the teacher's book, we listed the main elements that the authors highlighted as guidelines for the teaching of multiplication. From these guidelines, questions were elaborated, seeking to organize and analyze knowledge to train the teacher.The third stage concerns the interpretation and systematization of this knowledge in objetictified objetctified that the teacher needed to have available to teach multiplication. The results show that a "multiplication for teaching" sought to articulate itself to the transformations that "arithmetic to teach". As a conclusion, we observed that elements such as: presentation, graduation, explanation, articulation, generalization and evaluation of multiplication, were fundamental in the characterization (decantation ) of these "multiplications for teaching".


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How to Cite

MACIEL, V. B. Decanting “multiplications for teaching” according to analyses in teacher’s books . International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 10, n. 3, p. 99-116, 1 Sep. 2020.