Illiteracy, research and Education (Mathematics): a school that works outside the school walls




School, Decoloniality, Illiteracy, Research, Narratives


This article points to discussions arising from a master's research in Mathematics Education that was structuredbeyond the problematization ofdaily mathematical strategies of illiterate adults, through the search to speak with the interviewees, giving rise to other questions that mark the role of school and a school-educational discourse in the narrative constitution of these subjects. In this direction, this text aligned studies on decoloniality with an investigative stance crossed by powerful narratives about how a body positioned outside the school brings deep grooves that (de)limit ways of life. Practices of exclusion, abandonment, abuse of power, self-judgment through an external reference to that way of life and self-construction due to lack are some of the factors that make up the narrative constructions mobilized here. This text also operates a process of constituting a body-researcher that tries to be sensitized to what happens during an investigative process and that resists an academic movement that forces an attempt to colonize decoloniality.


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How to Cite

SOARES, E. L.; SOUZA, L. A. DE . Illiteracy, research and Education (Mathematics): a school that works outside the school walls. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 11, n. 2, p. 250-264, 1 May 2021.