Teaching knowledge in the continuing education process of literacy teachers





Teaching Knowledge, Continuing Education, Literacy Teachers, Mathematics, Teaching and Learning


This article aims to analyze the teaching knowledge of literacy teachers mobilized in the practice of mathematical literacy. The theoretical foundation is based on Shulman's research; Gauthier and Tardif who deal with the mobilization of knowledge in teaching practice. The research had as context a continuing education course for literacy teachers. Participants were literacy teachers who teach in literacy classes at a municipal school in Marabá-PA. The construction of the information took place from the records of the activities carried out by the teachers during the formative meetings and from their experience reports. The method of analysis used was Textual Discursive Analysis. The research results pointed out that in the educational action, teachers mobilize a plurality of knowledge: knowledge of experience, knowledge of content, pedagogical knowledge, curricular knowledge and knowledge of educational science, which are necessary for the practice of mathematical literacy.


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How to Cite

SILVA, F. C. DA; GONÇALVES, T. O. . Teaching knowledge in the continuing education process of literacy teachers. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 10, n. 3, p. 117-129, 1 Sep. 2020.