Creative insubordination actions revealed in the autobiographical narrative of a Mathematics teacher




Mathematics Education, Creative Insubordination, Biographical Research, Autobiographical Narratives, Narrative Interview


This study reveals some actions of creative insubordination from the autobiographical narrative of a math teacher who works in the final years of elementary school. The objective is to identify and analyze creative insubordination actions inserted in the teaching practice and as contextual structures in the manifest. In this text, part of the analysis of the narrative of Professor Alice will be published, belonging to a group of 12 interviewed teachers, which will be conducted to base this study, from her voice and perspectives, new reflections on teaching practice. Based on the proposal developed by Fritz Schütze, a partial analysis of the data presents indicators on how to develop actions such as Alice's creative insubordination, her teaching profile, the factors that influence her actions and the structure of the context in which they describe themselves. As actions taken by Alice were developed with the objective of favoring her students, which also means learning mathematics too, issues of social relevance. Amid an educational context accommodated to the limitations of the system, Alice's actions were motivated by the figure of her teacher and her beliefs and conceptions about the real needs of her student, making a solid movement in favor of offering a more mathematical teaching egalitarian.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, P. C.; LOPES, C. E. Creative insubordination actions revealed in the autobiographical narrative of a Mathematics teacher. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 9, n. 3, p. 97-113, 1 Sep. 2019.