Creative Insubordination in the elaboration of a methodological way of qualitative research




Qualitative Research, Methodological, Responsible Subversion, Epistemological Cages, Creative


In this article, I present a possibility of a methodological way adopted in a doctoral research that had as main objective to retrat a State of the Art on the theme "Proofs and Demonstrations in Mathematics" in the perspective of Mathematics Education. The methodological principles that supported the investigation occurred in a "network" of articulations that emerged as the measure that led me towards the objective of understanding the phenomenon "Proofs and Demonstration". This path was outlined assuming qualitative research as a possibility to be creative and “subversively responsible”, which often implies disobedience to certain rules, orders and regulations in the act of investigating. I present details of the investigative plan elaborated by the articulations between fundamentals of Phenomenological, State of the Art and Hermeneutics researchs, valuing the coherence in the use of theories and methods, but showing that sometimes it is necessary to “disobey” and get out of the “Epistemological Cages” to be creative.


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, F. A. Creative Insubordination in the elaboration of a methodological way of qualitative research. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 9, n. 3, p. 25-39, 1 Sep. 2019.