Creative insubordination and the dialogic process in Statistics Education in childhood




Narratives, Creative Insubordination, Statistical Education, Childhood Narratives


This research is a qualitative research that uses autobiographical narratives as a source of data collection with the objective of analyzing the argumentative elements and the actions of creative insubordination of the students to the proposals of activities with statistics offered by the teacher. The purpose of the study is as the actions of creative insubordination, expressed in the oral, written and audiographed narratives of the children, favoring the argumentative process during the work with a methodology of Class Projects, specifically in the area of statistics. The narratives of 7-year-old children are analyzed in order to show signs of insecurity about the proposals and the questions made explicit by the researcher. Data were included in a class of 25 students of the 2nd year of Elementary School in a private school in the city of Campinas, in the interior of the state of São Paulo. We sought to investigate the central question: "What are the indicators of creative insubstantiation and development of the argumentative process with regard to the emergence of children's narratives?" Thus, this work had as a reflection the narrative of the children of 7 years and a potentiality of studies on the age for the learning of knowledge on Education in Mathematics and Mathematics in Childhood.


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How to Cite

CORRÊA, S. A.; LOPES, C. E. Creative insubordination and the dialogic process in Statistics Education in childhood. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 10, n. 1, p. 95-107, 1 Jan. 2020.