Statistical literacy and creative insubordination in Early Childhood Education: some reflections




Statistical Literacy, Early Childhood Education, Creative Insubordination, Official Documents, Teachers


This article is part of a master's study that seeks to analyze the expansion of possibilities for the teaching of statistics in early childhood education from the perspective of statistical literacy. In this excerpt, we analyze aspects of preschool teachers' creative insubordination about how they insert statistical activities into their planning and experiences with children. For this, we conducted a semi-structured interview with three teachers who teach classes with 5-year-old children from a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education, whose municipality recently purchased textbooks for 4- and 5-year-olds. Our categories of analysis were: prior knowledge of statistics by teachers; approach to statistical situations in the classroom; and analysis of statistical activities in the textbook. In their reports, teachers show that they can play a leading role in children through diverse activities, such as the construction and interpretation of graphics. We consider that teachers' pedagogical practices reveal actions of creative insubordination as they go beyond the book's proposals and the curricular recommendations of the official documents.


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How to Cite

LIRA, F. L. DE; CARVALHO, L. M. T. L. DE. Statistical literacy and creative insubordination in Early Childhood Education: some reflections. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 10, n. 1, p. 108-121, 1 Jan. 2020.