Chess Project and School Mathematics: this game does not have checkmate




Mathematics curriculum, Mathematical Education, Creative Insubordination, Chess Game


This article aims to describe and analyze an action of creative insubordination through the insertion of chess practice during mathematics classes. The pedagogical insubordination inhabited in the implementation of chess can enable skills development, such as the elaboration of strategies and decision making in search of solutions in school learning situations and everyday life. Thus, the question emerging in this article is the following: how is the implementation of chess in mathematics classes characterized as an action of creative insubordination? The methodological path designed for this study has been based on a qualitative approach, of exploratory nature, in which it has proposed to seek what is characteristic and particular in the analyzed situation, based on the observations of students and teachers' narratives. This insertion is understood not as an isolated and extracurricular activity, but as an activity inserted in the planning of regular mathematics classes. As a result of the implementation of what was proposed, it was perceived a growth of interest and participation by students in content discussions in the classroom, developing autonomy in the way of thinking and doing mathematics.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, A. H. DOS; SANTANA, G. DE F. N.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, P. DE B. Chess Project and School Mathematics: this game does not have checkmate. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 9, n. 3, p. 172-186, 1 Sep. 2019.