Acts of creative insubordination experienced in learning and teaching Statistics




Autobiographical Narrative, Experience, Teacher Training, Statistical Education, Creative Insubordination


This paper aims to identify the acts of Creative Insubordination revealed in the learning and teaching experiences of Statistics narrated by the first author. We understand that teacher education is a continuous process that extends throughout life from the experiences lived as students in Basic and Higher Education, as well as subjects of their daily life outside the school and in the future teaching performance. Thus we perform a Narrative Analysis of the autobiographical narrative writing of the first author, in which she tells her experiences throughout the teacher education. To support the discussions, we base our explanations on the theory and epistemology of the Biology of Knowledge proposed by Maturana and Varela (2005). As a result, we identified five acts of Creative Insubordination, so named: 1) Letting something happen to you; 2) Put yourself in reflexivity; 3) Self-form and transform; 4) Take a risk in (re) signifying the experience; 5) Leave traces and cause effects. These acts refer to insubordinate attitudes, in which the first author acted creatively in the experience. We believe that this work can help other teachers to reflect on their teaching and learning experiences to perform remote creative insubordination attitudes in their contexts.


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How to Cite

SILVA, C. R.; SILVA, M. P. DA. Acts of creative insubordination experienced in learning and teaching Statistics. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 10, n. 1, p. 137-150, 1 Jan. 2020.