Creatively insubordinate practices of two teachers who participate in the Mathematics Fairs movement




Teacher Training, Math Fairs, Narratives, Creative Insubordination


This study aims to analyze to what extent the practices that two teachers began to perform motivated by participation in the Movement of Mathematical Fairs can be considered creatively insubordinate practices. To this end, we asked the teachers to produce oral narratives reporting how their trajectory was in the movement of the Santa Catarina Mathematics Fairs and how it impacted their formation as teachers who teach mathematics. Once transcribed, these narratives were analyzed for convergence between the two reports and our theoretical framework on creative insubordination. The results indicate the learning of the two teachers by participating and orienting works at the fairs, in the movement to rethink their practices, to try other ways of teaching and learning mathematics and the proposition of a culture of mathematics to their students closer to the problematization and less. traditional, posture that aligns with the precepts of creative insubordination. In addition to being insubordinate, the practices had an objective that was shaped by seeking creative forms of participation, insertion and protagonism of their students and themselves by the movement of fairs.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, A.; GRANDO, R. C. Creatively insubordinate practices of two teachers who participate in the Mathematics Fairs movement. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 9, n. 3, p. 84-96, 1 Sep. 2019.