History of Mathematics Education as a perspective of creative insubordination in teachers education





History of Mathematics Education, Creative Insubordination, Teachers Training


A teachers training that aims to approach the history of mathematics teaching, in ways to reflect aspects of the profession, the school and the subject, would have a better chance of educating a teacher that is more inclined to creative insubordinations? Attempting to answer this question, we tried to present the field of History of mathematics education as a way to enable that posture in the formation of those who teach mathematics. Discussions were made about the creation of the field of History of mathematics education, it’s insertion in graduation courses and its relationship with teacher training. Based mainly on Valente (2003, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2017), to the discussion about the field, on Oliveira (2017), on the production of subjects in this field, and on D’Ambrosio and Lopes (2014, 2015), to discuss the creative insubordination of the mathematics teacher. Concluding that the formation of thinking teacher is profoundly beneficiated by studies about the history of of mathematics teaching, denaturalizing practices e models of school education, enabling the efectivation of actions of criative insubordinaton by the teacher.Then, the creation of the subject “History of mathematics education”, in the teachers training, is an incentive for creative insubordination in education.


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How to Cite

GODOI, A. J. DE; GREGORIO, J. M. DA C.; RODRIGUÊS, J. S. History of Mathematics Education as a perspective of creative insubordination in teachers education. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 10, n. 1, p. 29-43, 1 Jan. 2020.