Ethnomodelling: exploring glocalization in the contexts of local (emic) and global (etic) knowledges



Ethnomodelling, Local Approach, Global Approach, Glocalization


The acquisition of both local (emic) and global (etic) knowledge forms is an alternative goal for the implementation of ethnomodelling research. Local knowledge is essential for an intuitive and empathic understanding of mathematical ideas, procedures, and practices developed by the members of distinct cultural groups, which is important for conducting effective ethnographic fieldwork. Furthermore, local knowledge is a valuable source of inspiration for the development of global hypotheses, while global knowledge is essential for the achievement of cross-cultural comparisons. Such comparisons demand standard analytical units and categories to facilitate communication. Glocal (dialogical) knowledge is the third approach for conducting ethnomodelling research that makes use of both local and global knowledge through processes of dialogue and interaction. In this paper, we define ethnomodelling as the study of mathematical phenomena within a culture because it is a social construct and is culturally bound. Thus, ethnomodelling brings the cultural aspects of mathematics into mathematical modelling process. Finally, the main purpose of this paper is to share the use of a combination of local, global, and glocal approaches in the research area of ethnomodelling, which contributes to the acquisition of a more complete understanding (glocal) of mathematical practices developed by the members of distinct cultural groups.


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How to Cite

ROSA, M.; OREY, D. C. Ethnomodelling: exploring glocalization in the contexts of local (emic) and global (etic) knowledges. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 6, n. 1, p. 196-218, 1 Jun. 2016.