History of scientific and academic production in Mathematics Education: pointing out elements for a research agenda



Mathematics Education, History of Mathematics Education, Narrative, Power, Knowledge


The aim of this paper is to list elements for the construction of an agenda for scientific and academic research in mathematics education in Brazil, under a historical perspective. In face of the urgency and the necessity for the construction of this investigative agenda, we choose to take a position that marks some initial routes, specific to the intentions of this text: the practice of history under a Foucauldian perspective, putting in evidence the production of knowledge, which is not disconnected from the dynamics of power relations; and the possible consequences resulting from the formation and action of individuals with master and doctorate degrees in mathematics education in Brazil. With this text, we expect to attract greater interest, within the field of History of Mathematics Education, for the formation and consolidation of mathematics education as a field of knowledge in the Brazilian scenario.


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Como Citar

FERNANDES, F. S.; GARNICA, A. V. M. History of scientific and academic production in Mathematics Education: pointing out elements for a research agenda. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 5, n. 1, p. 2-11, 1 jan. 2015.


