The use of a leaflet to dialogue about Mathematics: a report involving teacher professional development




Teacher professional development, Leaflet, Mathematics teacher training, Classroom practices


The article presents an action carried out by SBEM's RS regional office, which consists of organizing and publishing a quarterly periodical leaflet in which materials are presented, as well as suggestions for texts and videos involving practices in the classroom or related to training aspects. After the publication of six leaflets, the possibility of investigating the type of reach and implications of this action for the members of the regional was conjectured. With that, through a descriptive case study with qualitative approach, a group of participating teachers, who were asked to respond a questionnaire, was chosen. The responses were organized and analyzed based on the theoretical framework of the dimensions of teacher professional development. From our analyzes, it is concluded that the leaflet, for the teachers participating in the study, has been a vector for the exercise of self-training, with a view to creating and developing activities for Mathematics classes.


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How to Cite

de Bona, A. S., & Silva, R. S. da. (2023). The use of a leaflet to dialogue about Mathematics: a report involving teacher professional development. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(81), 1-15.



Número temático: As Regionais da SBEM: ações e diálogos desenvolvidos