The constitution of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education in Paraná: actions and historical path




Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education of Paraná, Actions of SBEM-PR, Professor of Mathematics


This text aims to present the historical path and the actions of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education of Paraná (SBEM-PR) in its 28-year history. The SBEM of Paraná has always maintained its experiences and discussions about the area in line with the national SBEM, aiming to perform a collaborative work in order to involve all those interested in Mathematics Education, in order to promote actions arising from the needs and aspirations of the academic community of mathematics educators. In this text, elements and events that favored the creation of SBEM Paraná are described, such as the direct influence of the national SBEM, and, mainly, the realization of the Paranaense Meeting of Mathematics Education that took place in Curitiba, Paraná, for two years in a row (1989 and 1990), prior to the creation of SBEM-PR (1995). In addition, the Paraná events of Mathematics Education encouraged and supported by the society of Paraná, that consolidate its activities in the region, are presented.


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How to Cite

Moran, M., Souza, F. D. de ., Santos, G. O. ., Debastiani Neto, J. ., & Padilha, L. . (2023). The constitution of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education in Paraná: actions and historical path. Educação Matemática Em Revista, 28(81), 1-14.



Número temático: As Regionais da SBEM: ações e diálogos desenvolvidos