Calculating Fixed Income Investments with the Application "Savings & Interest Calculator"




Financial Education, Mathematics Education, Problem Solving, Mobile Devices, Fixed Income


This paper seeks to present the application of a problem situation involving fixed income investment coupled with the use of the mobile device application “Savings & Interest Calculator”. We believe that the educational system should integrate mobile digital technologies in its curriculum, making calculations with comparison of interest rates, growth rate, tax rates and others, benefiting students' decision-making in the financial market. The activity was carried out in a 2nd grade class at a public school in the city of Boca do Acre - AM and aimed to analyze fixed income products as well as to make a decision in the face of a problem situation. And the main results were the development of a more active, reflective and dynamic learning in addition to the students developed a more in-depth view on fixed income investments.


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How to Cite

Gröhs, D. de O., & Melo, G. F. A. de. (2022). Calculating Fixed Income Investments with the Application "Savings & Interest Calculator". Educação Matemática Em Revista, 27(77), 106-114.