Mathematical and professional knowledges: teachers training in Minas Gerais, official orientations, 1930



Teacher Training, Mathematical Knowledges, Professional Knowledges


The constitution of the primary teachers training curriculum has always been a result of several strengths for the definition of reference professional knowledges, i.e., definition of which knowledges of the curriculum training should characterize and specify the teacher’s profession. In the present text, we point out elements of indicative tension that exists between the providing of a basic and general training, therefore wide and a professional one, directed to the teacher practice specific demand, as it turns to the curriculum establishment to train a primary teacher. We prioritize the propositions for the structuring of the Normal School curriculum from the state of Minas Gerais, from an analysis of the Decree n. 9.450/ 1930. The chosen documentation for the construction of this text is from official nature and reveals us a movement that gave away little by little, a meanigful place to the untitled professional knowledges. The mathematical knowledges offered were of three natures: mathematical knowledges belonging to the part of the curriculum responsible for guaranteeing a general training of the primary future teacher; mathematical knowledges resulting from the elaborations of “how to teach”, produced with the legitimacy of educational sciences; and the approach with the school mathematical knowledges.


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Como Citar

SILVA, M. R. I. S. DA; VALENTE, W. R. Mathematical and professional knowledges: teachers training in Minas Gerais, official orientations, 1930. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 5, n. 2, p. 51-62, 1 jul. 2015.


