Difficulties in the teaching and learning processes of Coordinate Changes: an analysis in the context of Integral Calculus





Change of Coordinates, Integral Calculus, Calculus Teaching, Literature Review


The study's axis of discussion was the difficulties faced by teachers and students in teaching and learning Coordinate Changes. With a qualitative approach, a Systematic Literature Review was carried out based on a selection of theses, dissertations and articles on the topic. Eleven academic productions reached the final stage of selection, with the general objective of analyzing the use of Digital Technologies in teaching Coordinate Changes in Multiple Integrals, in theses, dissertations and scientific articles, focusing on the difficulties reported about the processes of teaching and learning. With the analysis, common difficulties in learning Integral Calculus were identified, such as the difficulty in visualizing and understanding the integration processes, and the lack of contextualized exercises. Studies indicate that digital tools such as GeoGebra helped to overcome some of these difficulties, providing better visualization of mathematical objects.


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How to Cite

SILVA, P. A. C. DA; MOTA, J. F. Difficulties in the teaching and learning processes of Coordinate Changes: an analysis in the context of Integral Calculus. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 14, n. 4, p. 1-16, 20 Dec. 2024.