Analysis of the cognitive demand of Statistics and Probability tasks in Early Childhood Education textbooks




Cognitive Demand, Statistics, Probability, Early Childhood Education, Textbooks


This study analyses the statistics and probability tasks in three series of Chilean textbooks for early childhood education (4-6 years). For this purpose, we have opted for a descriptive qualitative approach using the content analysis technique as a research method to analyse and describe the cognitive demand of the proposed tasks. The importance of analysing the cognitive demand of such tasks lies in the mediating role they play between the student and learning in relation to a certain idea or notion of statistics and probability. The results show a marked presence of tasks linked to memorisation and connected procedures. This leads to low autonomy and creativity in the mathematics classroom, which has an impact on the ability to apply statistics to the resolution of problems from contexts close to the students.


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How to Cite

VÁSQUEZ, C.; GIORDANO, C. C.; KISTEMANN JR., M. A. Analysis of the cognitive demand of Statistics and Probability tasks in Early Childhood Education textbooks. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 14, n. 2, p. 1-13, 19 Jul. 2024.