The theory of figural concepts and GeoGebra in the study of parables: an experience with undergraduate students in Mathematics




Parables, Theory of Figural Concepts, Didactic Engineering, GeoGebra, Mathematics Teaching


This work comes from a pilot project of a master's research, carried out with undergraduate students in Mathematics at the State University of Ceará (UECE), scholarship holders of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID). The objective of this work is to recognize the epistemic conceptions of mathematics teachers in initial formation based on their actions and strategies to solve a problem-situation involving parables, analyzed from the Theory of Figural Concepts. In order to achieve this goal, we used the GeoGebra software as a didactic resource, in its versions, software for computers and application for smartphones. The methodology used in this study was Didactic Engineering, in its four phases - preliminary analysis, design and a priori analysis, experimentation and a posteriori analysis and validation - in which students built the structure of a car headlight using the content of parables in a geometric perspective using GeoGebra. The results point to the need to understand the parabola beyond a curve that represents the graph of a quadratic function, as well as a further study of its properties and applications.


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How to Cite

SOUSA, R. T. DE; ALVES, F. R. V.; AZEVEDO, I. F. DE. The theory of figural concepts and GeoGebra in the study of parables: an experience with undergraduate students in Mathematics. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 2, p. 122-143, 28 Jan. 2022.


