Curriculum, Mathematics Education, Politics and Putrid Powers




Curriculum, Mathematics Education, Politics, Counter-Conduct


In this paper, I compose a text that relates curriculum, mathematics education, politics, and relations of knowledge and power. In this composition, I use the song "putrid powers", by Caetano Veloso, as the main thread of the text. I argue that: (i) mathematics is a discipline that serves as a codifying instrument, conducting the subjects' conducts; (ii) there are values, behaviors, in short, a moral that is constituted, imbricated to the teaching of mathematics; (iii) there is an alignment between school mathematics and the neoliberal logic, based on the individual's responsibility for failure or success, on the promotion of a competitive spirit, on making the management of one's own life similar to the management of a company, on making everyone believe that governments are less and less responsible for taking care of the population and that people should take more and more responsibility for this, among other ideas; (iv) mathematical knowledge is seen as an asset, a capital, which constitutes a human capital for those who acquire this knowledge. Nations develop because they have a valued human capital. In other words, a country whose population performs well on assessments, because this is seen as quality education, has a valued human capital status. From the scenario presented, I affirm the importance of establishing counter-conduct movements, in the Foucauldian sense, of resistance against the neoliberal logic. I propose that we do this through the exercise of political engagement, resistance, attention, vigilance, mistrust, criticism, and creativity to produce curricula that are less codifying, and more productive of multiplicities of values, behaviors, and ways of being and being in this world.


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How to Cite

SILVA, M. A. Curriculum, Mathematics Education, Politics and Putrid Powers. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 12, n. 1, p. 9-28, 1 Jan. 2022.