An invitation for meetings with another schools




Spaces-Schools, Decoloniality, Abissal Lines, Communities of Descendants African Slaves, Image


For the production of this essay, a master’s dissertation called “What do you only see at school? Meetings, students, scenes, and ... ” constitutes a scenario. In this dissertation, two secondary schools of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil: the quilombola[communities of descendants African slaves] rural school Zumbi dos Palmares, inJaraguari-MS, and the urban school Padre José Valentim, in Campo Grande-MS. We started an exercise of producing with the students of these two schools and we bet on the inventive imagetic and filmic force. We elaborate some activities-devices that would make it possible to invent spaces-schools. The students of two schools exchanged their productions in order to know the school places of each other. This writing exercise with, which is also a research exercise, was done in the direction of decolonial think-know-how, which helped us to be with these students beyond to a white, Christian, male, Eurocentric logic and narrative. This writing exercise offer to us other possibilities. Colonial lines, which inhabit and house the school, which give colors, smells and sounds, which exclude, which enhance, were produced as contour-invitations of other inventions, in other schools, in others mathematics educations researches.


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How to Cite

VIANA, B. L. N.; SANTOS, J. R. V. DOS. An invitation for meetings with another schools. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 11, n. 2, p. 153-172, 1 May 2021.