Thinking about a school in times of Education 4.0: the importance of school management in the New High School, as a challenge in Mathematics Education




School Management, New High School, Bibliographic Review, ICT, Education 4.0


With the changes that we are witnessing in recent times, it is necessary that Education professionals make technological changes and the demand for the exploration of skills that are connected to Education 4.0, according to the competences demarcated by the BNCC. This article brings a discussion about the importance of management in the transformation and innovation in the school environment, allied to the New High School, as a challenge in Mathematics Education. A bibliographic review was carried out, the positioning of Coordinators and Directors was completed with respect to technologies in school spaces, whether public or private. The objective was to understand what points of view may be emerging from them, with respect to the implementation of the Internet and ICT, as well as what actions they are taking in this direction to engage teachers and incentives for them to plan their trained practical classes. The data to support the discussion on the Directors and Pedagogical Coordinators were extracted from CETIC - Regional Centre for Studies for the Development of the Information Society and from a search in five periodicals in the area of ??Mathematics Education. The analysis assessed whether the data released by CETIC reflect the perceptions of teachers and graduates regarding the use and implementation of ICT. We noticed that, although there is some agreement with the data from the ICT Education Survey, there are distinctions that are evidenced by the teachers in the researched articles in relation to failures or lack of resources available in schools, which assesses the competence of management positions. Thus, we understand that, despite the problematic public policies, it is necessary that the views also turn to the importance of the support of school management in Teacher Training in terms of ICT and Internet, as well as in the modification of the school space.


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How to Cite

LEMES, I. L.; SANTOS, R. P. DOS. Thinking about a school in times of Education 4.0: the importance of school management in the New High School, as a challenge in Mathematics Education. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 11, n. 1, p. 118-143, 1 Jan. 2021.