From the LGBT + community to Mathematics classes: what interlocutions are possible?




Diversity, LGBT community, The struggle is pedagogical, Reading and Writing World with Mathematics, Critical Mathematics Education


Mathematics classes have the power to promote social discussions and help students develop a critical view of the world. However, some themes have still had little space, even in the practices of teachers who aim to work in an inclusive perspective and with reflections on social justice. This article intends to reflect on how the LGBT + movement can contribute so that the struggles, stories and particularities of this community are more present at school. The engagement of mathematics teachers in the construction of a socio-political relationship with students is necessary for them to form critical citizens who respect and value differences.


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How to Cite

BARROS, D. D. From the LGBT + community to Mathematics classes: what interlocutions are possible?. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 11, n. 2, p. 91-104, 1 May 2021.