Discovering the Pythagorean Theorem using the GeoGebra software



Mathematics Education, Pythagorean Theorem, Dialogues, GeoGebra, Humans-With-Media


This paper presents some of the activities carried out during a Master’s study, in which the role of digital technologies was investigated in a group of humans-with-media for the production of knowledge about the Pythagorean Theorem. The research subjects were elementary school students. This qualitative study is theoretically based on the construct of humans-with-media, and the role of dialogue is defined as a conversation that aims at learning. The results indicate that the GeoGebra software contributed to the creation of a learning environment, which favored the students’ actions in the construction of mathematical knowledge and provided rich possibilities for the visualization of concepts and properties, enhanced by the dynamism of the trials from the constructions performed using GeoGebra.


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How to Cite

SETTE, P. F.; FRANCHI, R. H. DE O. L. Discovering the Pythagorean Theorem using the GeoGebra software. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v. 8, n. 3, p. 24-39, 27 Dec. 2018.