Remote teaching in the Mathematics degree course at the Federal University of Acre: perspectives, difficulties and future possibilities




Mathematics Education, Digital Technologies, Covid-19, Emergency Remote Teaching


This research aimed to identify potentialities and protect from remote moments between professors and students of the Mathematics Degree Course at the Federal University of Acre during the pandemic moment, as well as actions that can be worked on by the subjects for a “next” post-pandemic. As methodological resources and source of information, teachers and students were consulted through an intuitive command to identify difficulties/concerns and possibilities with respect to development actions in the period called Emergency Remote. This investigation was qualitative in nature, as I understand that I deepened the understanding of the social group in question and its trajectory does not require quantification. The information was processed in the light of the Philosophy of Mathematics Education, Critical Mathematics Education and Digital Technologies in Mathematics Education. The quality of the students' internet and the possibilities for evaluating students by teachers represented the greatest difficulties encountered during the pandemic.

representaram as maiores dificuldades encontradas no momento pandêmico.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

SILVA, S. R. P. DA. Remote teaching in the Mathematics degree course at the Federal University of Acre: perspectives, difficulties and future possibilities. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 13, n. 3, p. 1-12, 10 set. 2023.


