Actions in search of a more inclusive Mathematical Education



Adapted Didactic Material, Axioms of Euclid, Mathematics Laboratory, People With Visual Impairment


In this article, we present some discussions about the school inclusion of people with disabilities in Brazil. The Brazilian laws signal a step in terms of legislation in favor of inclusive education, but they are not enough without the actions that will remove them from the paper. We bring the actions carried out by a Geometry Teaching Lab. These actions try to attend, in the training of Mathematics teachers, the current legislation and the demand of students included in common schools, especially those with visual impairment, promoting also Inclusive Mathematics Education and equity in Mathematics teaching, mainly Geometry, in the that all students can participate with the minimization of visual barriers through low cost didactic resources (concrete and virtual).


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

KALEFF, A. M. M. R.; ROSA, F. M. C. DA. Actions in search of a more inclusive Mathematical Education. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 9, n. 1, p. 8-24, 1 jan. 2019.


