Twelve callings to the ethnomathematicians of the world



Academic Community, Didactic Proposal, Ethnomathematics Program, Mathematics Education, Manifest


This theoretical reflection presents the description of three stages of analysis related to the ethnomathematics program: 1) A first attempt to establish the number of people and study groups who are currently investigating ethnomathematics, 2) A case study of a mathematics classroom, which aims to answer the question proposed by Ubiratan D'Ambrosio 28 years ago about how to learn ethnomathematics in a classroom. This intervention is named mathematics class with an ethnomathematical approach, and 3) A reflection on some sensitive questions regarding the culture of the ethnomathematics program and cultural identity. These three stages are the basis for the elaboration of the 12 callings to the ethnomathematicians of the world and for building a manifesto of political struggle of current ethnomathematicians and those in training.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

AROCA-ARAUJO, A. Twelve callings to the ethnomathematicians of the world. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 6, n. 1, p. 261-284, 1 jan. 2016.


