The practice of argumentation as a method of teaching and learning Mathematics



Argumentation, Mathematics, Toulmin Model, Process Validation, Interaction


In this article our goal is to reflect on the practice of argumentation as a method of teaching mathematics, thus acknowledging argumentation as a process that favors the appropriation of mathematical knowledge, evidencing the stages required for this fact to be established. The method consisted of a literature review in studies on mathematical argumentation, based on a qualitative research approach. To achieve our goal, we used some examples of plane Euclidean geometry as a reference, based on scientific studies on this topic. In this essay we consider the argument as a sociocultural construction, and highlight the importance of the scenario that enables its development, listing the stages that comprise the argumentative process motivated by Toulmin’s ideas. We believe that modeling the argumentative process according to our proposal can promote the acquisition of argumentation competences in mathematics and therefore assist in the understanding of this discipline.


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Como Citar

NUNES, J. M.; ALMOULOUD, S. A. The practice of argumentation as a method of teaching and learning Mathematics. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 5, n. 1, p. 12-35, 1 jan. 2015.


