Academic internship and the teaching of Mathematics in the yearly school years



Academic Internships, Teaching of Mathematics, Pedagogical Residency, Teachers Training


Recurring theme in the discussions about the curriculum of the teachers training, the Academic Internship, a required step for obtaining the license for the practice of teaching, have been the focus of several studies and research in Brazil. Featured in the Brazilian educational reforms that have occurred since the late 1990s, they integrate the educational projects of the Pedagogy course through different proposals that are not always organized in a way to meet the demands of the necessary training for the exercise of teaching. The purpose of this article is to present an innovative internship expirence, the Pedagogical Residency which is part of the curriculum of the Pedagogy degree course from a federal public Higher Education institution and it highlights the Brazilian way of organizing internships in the teaching of Mathematics for the early school years.


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Como Citar

SILVESTRE, M. A.; VALENTE, W. R. Academic internship and the teaching of Mathematics in the yearly school years. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 3, n. 2, p. 60-74, 1 jul. 2013.


