An investigation into sixth grade students’ understanding of ratio and proportion



Proportional Reasoning, Problem Solving Strategies, African American Students, Conceptual Understanding, Middle School


Drawing on written assessments collected from 58 sixth grade students, this article discusses the results of a study that examined patterns in middle-grade boy’s and girl’s written problem solving strategies for a mathematical task involving proportional reasoning and their level of understanding of ratios and proportions. This work is a part of a larger, longitudinal project, Mathematics Identity Development and Learning (MIDDLE), that focused on the impact of mathematics reform on students’ development as mathematics knowers and learners and identifying processes the explains changes in students’ mathematical learning and selfconceptions. Findings the current work speaks to student strategy use, errors, and levels of understanding.


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Como Citar

MORTON, C. H. An investigation into sixth grade students’ understanding of ratio and proportion. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, v. 4, n. 1, p. 68-80, 1 jan. 2014.


