Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática Ripem pt-BR (Gilberto Januario) (Webmaster) dom, 01 set 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The professionalization of teachers in Brazil: scenarios and challenges in/for Mathematics teacher education <p>This article seeks to problematize the scenario of basic school teachers' education (BSTE) established in Brazil over the last decades, as well as the shortage of teachers, and to bring to the debate the need to value research, programs, and projects that foster the proposal of public policies for BSTE that promote teacher professionalization. To this end, this article has a reflective and interpretative approach, based on a diachronic movement of research and evidence arising from formative processes. Brazil is experiencing a shortage of teachers and students in teaching degree courses, this situation needs a national pact to reverse the problems plaguing BSTE and teacher professionalization, a pact committed to an emancipatory, inclusive, socially referenced, environmentally responsible and ethical education, and to the construction of a society that combats inequalities and promotes equity and teacher appreciation.</p> Marcia Cristina de Costa Trindade Cyrino Copyright (c) 2024 dom, 01 set 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mathematics Education and pedagogy Courses: progress or inertia? <p>The aforementioned text presents analyzes of a teacher trainer and is linked to a theorization about the repertoire of knowledge necessary for teaching and follows an opening conference of the VIII National Forum for Initial Training of Teachers who Teach Mathematics (VIII FPMat). This text presents a discussion about Mathematics Education in Pedagogy courses, seeking to identify how Mathematics is present in Pedagogy courses at some public and private institutions in the State of São Paulo. To this end, an analysis of a qualitative nature, of a documentary type, is used, with a view to analyzing the pedagogical projects of the courses, as well as the Teaching Plans. Among the results, it is highlighted that specialized knowledge of the content should be the focus of subjects related to Mathematics in Pedagogy courses and when there are gaps in the common knowledge of mathematical content, this should be deepened. This is a first indication that I would make to the Pedagogy in relation to subjects related to Mathematics and its teaching.</p> Edda Curi Copyright (c) 2024 dom, 01 set 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Teaching degrees in Field, Indigenous, and Quilombola Education: affirmative public policies that qualify Mathematics teachers <p>The article deals with affirmative public policies for the education of teachers who teach mathematics in specific sociocultural contexts, in particular, on teaching degree courses in field, Indigenous, and quilombola education. It is based on concepts and concerns from critical mathematics education (CME) to reflect on qualification in these courses, experienced in alternating formative times and spaces. Bibliographical research, whose corpus of analysis consists of seven articles published in thematic dossiers that discuss the interface between mathematics education and the specificities of the contexts mentioned before, is presented. The research results reveal that investigation, dialogue, and criticality, principles of CME, are present in the sociocultural practices experienced in the courses under analysis. There was a concern with political and social aspects in the teaching of mathematics to emancipate rural people and traditional communities included in the qualification.</p> Aldinete Silvino de Lima, Iranete Maria da Silva Lima Copyright (c) 2024 dom, 01 set 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dificuldades nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem de Mudanças de Coordenadas: uma análise no contexto do Cálculo Integral <p>O estudo teve como eixo de discussão as dificuldades enfrentadas por professores e estudantes no ensino e na aprendizagem de mudanças de coordenadas. Com abordagem qualitativa, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura a partir de seleção de teses, dissertações e artigos sobre o tema. Onze produções acadêmicas chegaram à fase final da seleção, tendo em vista o objetivo geral de analisar o emprego de tecnologias digitais no ensino de mudanças de coordenadas em Integrais Múltiplas, em teses, dissertações e artigos científicos, com foco nas dificuldades relatadas sobre os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem. Com a análise, foram identificadas dificuldades comuns na aprendizagem do Cálculo Integral, como a dificuldade de visualização e compreensão dos processos de integração, e a falta de exercícios contextualizados. Os estudos indicam que ferramentas digitais como o GeoGebra ajudaram a superar algumas dessas dificuldades, proporcionando melhor visualização dos objetos matemáticos.</p> Pedro Aurélio Cardoso da Silva, Janine Freitas Mota Copyright (c) 2024 sex, 20 dez 2024 00:00:00 +0000