Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática2024-08-01T14:33:24+00:00Gilberto Journal SystemsRipem desafío de alfabetizar en Estadística2024-03-07T23:18:58+00:00Teresita Evelina Teránteresitateran52@gmail.comMaría Isabel Mantilla Valcá<p>El presente artículo aborda la importancia de la alfabetización estadística en la sociedad actual, destacando la necesidad de promover el pensamiento crítico y la toma de decisiones basadas en datos, preparando a los individuos para enfrentar los desafíos de la sociedad, permitiéndole interactuar de manera efectiva con la información en la era digital. Enfatiza la relevancia de la estadística cívica en la formación de una ciudadanía informada y participativa en sociedades democráticas y se enfoca en estrategias educativas como el trabajo en grupo y el aprendizaje significativo a través de proyectos para desarrollar habilidades estadísticas. Propone la gamificación como una técnica motivadora para involucrar a los estudiantes en el aprendizaje de estadística. Concluye enfatizando la necesidad de una ciudadanía informada y alfabetizada en estadística para interactuar de manera efectiva con la información en la era digital.</p>2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ón de un contraste de hipótesis por estudiantes universitarios2024-02-02T12:57:44+00:00Carmen Batanerobatanero@ugr.esOsmar<p>El contraste de hipótesis es un contenido básico en los cursos universitarios de estadística, originando un gran interés por su enseñanza. Utilizando el enfoque ontosemiótico de la cognición e instrucción matemáticas, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la forma en que los estudiantes universitarios eligen un contraste adecuado para resolver un problema e identificar los conflictos semióticos subyacentes. Para ello, se propone a una muestra de 224 estudiantes un problema abierto, en el que se les pide decidir el contraste a utilizar. Mediante el método de análisis de contenido, se clasifican las respuestas escritas individuales en categorías, a las cuales se aplica el análisis semiótico. Pocos participantes eligen un contraste correcto, aunque un 40% adicional da una respuesta parcialmente correcta, olvidando alguno de los supuestos requeridos. En las respuestas incorrectas se observan conflictos semióticos como confundir contraste unilateral y bilateral, población y muestra y estadístico y parámetro.</p>2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 en la construcción del gráfico de caja por futuros profesores chilenos de Educación Primaria2024-04-26T11:16:27+00:00Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Martínezrogutierrezmartinez@gmail.comAudy Salcedoaudy.salcedo@gmx.comDanilo Dí<p>El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en evaluar la capacidad que poseen los futuros profesores chilenos de Educación Primaria, con mención en Matemática de una universidad de la zona central de Chile, para construir el gráfico de caja. Se adoptó un enfoque cualitativo, respaldado por el paradigma interpretativo, empleando el método de análisis de contenido. La investigación se ejecutó con 18 estudiantes, a quienes se administró un instrumento previamente validado mediante un juicio de expertos. Los resultados revelan que los participantes enfrentan dificultades en la construcción del gráfico, principalmente al omitir elementos descriptivos (título general y etiquetas en los ejes del gráfico) y calcular incorrectamente los cuartiles. Estos futuros profesores podrían no estar en condiciones de cumplir con los estándares de formación para profesores de matemáticas en Chile, lo que repercutiría negativamente en el aprendizaje de esta representación por parte de estudiantes.</p>2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 and validation for portuguese (BR) of the SATS-28 scale to measure attitudes toward Statistics2024-02-04T00:14:50+00:00Natalia Elis Giordaninatigiordani@gmail.comVanêssa Brito Fernandes Neves<p>Statistical information is daily presence in any citizen’s life in most different contexts. However, due to bad experiences with Mathematics in basic education, many Health students present negative attitudes towards Statistics. Knowing students’ attitudes towards Statistics allows us to understand their propensity to learn it and then it is possible to think about strategies that enable a change, in case the attitude is negative, contributing to the development and formation of students’ critical view. Thus, this study aimed to validate the SATS-28 scale of attitudes towards Statistics in Brazilian Portuguese version for Health students. Data from 811 students from 15 undergraduate Heath courses of Brazilians Federal Universities were used. The results indicate that the scale is valid and its results are consistent.</p>2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 the interfaces between Statistics and Financial Education: Brazilian High School students’ perception of the Sustainable Development Goals2024-04-23T12:46:12+00:00Cassio Cristiano Giordanoccgiordano@gmail.comMarco Aurélio Kistemann Júniormarco.kistemann@ufjf.brClaudia Vá<p>Brazil is experiencing broad curricular reform, after the publication of the National Common Curricular Base — BNCC, especially with the advent of New Secondary Education, such as the introduction of Financial Education, the expansion and deepening of Statistical Education, guidance for the approach through projects and the appreciation of contemporary transversal themes concerned with the environment (such as the Sustainable Development Goals — SDG, proposed by the UN in the 2030 Agenda). In this context, we conducted qualitative research, of an exploratory nature, involving 99 high school students, seeking to understand their perception regarding such changes, involving Statistics, Financial Education and SDG. The results indicate a lack of confidence in the school's ability to adequately guide them regarding their Financial Education, recognition of the need to improve knowledge in Probability and Statistics, to understand the new challenges of the 21st century, exposed in the 2030 Agenda, as well as to promote changes socioeconomic conditions to meet such demands.</p>2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 game Closes the Box: a proposal for teaching Probability2024-03-18T18:51:58+00:00Priscila Bernardo Martins priscila.bmartins11@gmail.comSidney Silva Santos sidneysantosnm@gmail.comGeovane Carlos<p>Mathematical games play a significant role in teaching mathematics and statistics as they offer a practical and engaging approach to learning often complex statistical concepts, such as the study of probability. Given this scenario, this article aims to present and discuss the potential of using the game, called <em>Close the Box</em> for teaching notions of probability. This is a qualitative research that was developed in a class made up of 25 students in the 2nd year of elementary school at a public school in São Paulo. The results show that students understood some basic aspects such as random, unlikely and very likely events and developed signs of probabilistic literacy. In short, we conclude that working with games provides students with fun and stimulating moments and can help them to understand in an informal way probabilistic aspects necessary for decision making.</p>2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 High School students understand statistical variability based on a contextual teaching situation2024-04-30T14:13:37+00:00Edicarlos Pereira de Eduardo Ferreira<p>The teaching of statistics in basic education is important due to the growing needs of contemporary society. This article presents elements of a study that investigated how students perceive, represent, compare, and identify patterns related to statistical variability, in a teaching situation related to electricity consumption. The research had a qualitative and exploratory approach, based on a theoretical perspective that considers different aspects inherent to the conceptual understanding of statistical variability. The participants were 38 third-grade high school students from a state public school in the Cariri region, in the south of Ceará. The results suggested that the perception and identification of variability patterns were the aspects best understood by the students. The answers related to comparison and the representation of variability indicated conceptual mistakes. The analysis of the results emphasized the importance of the context for the students’ learning and statistical literacy process.</p>2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024, seeing and recognizing oneself as a teacher who teaches Mathematics: (re)configuring Professional Identities from the perspective of Probabilistic Education2024-03-08T15:04:30+00:00Lemerton Matos Nogueiralemerton.nogueira@upe.brJosé Ivanildo Felisberto de<p>This article aims to understand how actions and practices based on studies on Probability Education contribute to the (re)configuration’s movement of the Professional Identity (PI) of Teachers who Teach Mathematics (TTM). The study is based on a qualitative and interpretative paradigm, relied on a Research-Training path developed in a study group with 11 TTM. To this end, we are based on a characterization of TTM’s PI, which points out a set of elements (macrodomains) that allow us to understand them in their ways of being, seeing and recognizing themselves as such. The results and discussion were based on the apprehension of four Meaning Cores, which indicate that the TTM’s PI were forged from the Learning Paths (re)constituted in the collective/collaborative context of the group and interwoven by elements of personal, emotional, moral and sociopolitical nature that emerged from the enterprise of teaching and learning Probability.</p>2024-08-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 choices in Statistics: reflections on pedagogical practices in the Brazilian higher education2024-03-15T11:09:08+00:00Bernardo Silvabernardo.silva@furg.brRubilar Simões Samá<p>Our study analyzed the integration of digital technologies into Statistics teaching by exploring professors’ perceptions and practices in the Brazilian context. We investigated educators’ technological choices through descriptive statistical techniques and multivariate analysis, highlighting the relation among professors’ Education processes, pedagogical practices and the use of digital technologies. Our results, which showed the influence of professors’ Education processes on their technological choices, were discussed in the light of statistical literacy and the TPACK model. The study points out the crucial role of professors’ Education processes in critical and intentional integration of technology into teaching and provides valuable reflections on contemporary Statistics Education in Brazilian Higher Education.</p>2024-08-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of infographic by students in the 3rd and 5th grades of Primary School from the perspective of Statistical Literacy: the bullying in schools 2024-04-18T10:14:59+00:00Waleska Stefany Moura Dinizstefanydiniz10@gmail.comGilda Lisbôa Guimarã<p>In this study we seek to investigate how students in the 3rd and 5th grade of primary School interpret a statistical infographic about bullying in schools, considering the elements of Statistical Literacy mobilized by them. A diagnosis was developed involving questions of interpretation of an infographic about <em>bullying</em>, from a textbook, in 3rd and 5th grade classes. The results showed that the majority of students were able to interpret the graphics and textual information, with 5th grade students performing better. However, students were unaware of what a data source was and its importance, which was understood after the training process, allowing students to make judgments regarding its reliability. Furthermore, they made effective decisions regarding bullying in schools. We concluded that students were able to interpret the infographic and make effective decisions, mobilizing cognitive and dispositional elements of Statistical Literacy.</p>2024-08-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024